Showing posts with label Body Language. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Body Language. Show all posts

Known or Unknown

Flirting will either take place with someone you already know or with someone you’ve never met before.  Both situations have their pros and cons.  It’s quite common for a friendship to suddenly go sexual and it is also just as likely that you’ll meet someone at 9.00pm in a nightclub and be in bed with them by 1.00am. (A little later if you’re in New York.) In either case, flirting and body language will play a huge part in the interaction but may be very different with regard to what and how it is done.  For example, with people you’ve never met before first impressions are hugely important but with people you know then it may be all about changing the impressions that they already have.  Sometimes people you know will start flirting to test the water and sometimes people you don’t know will flirt with you just to check that they’re still attractive.  When it comes to flirting and body language it’s a game with some very complex rules but here’s the point – if you don’t play you can’t win.
  • If you already know someone …
There are advantages and disadvantages of flirting with people that you already know.  The key to the success of your flirting often depends on what the other person secretly thinks about you. We know this guy that has been hot for a woman for more than twenty years since they were at school together.  One day she looked over at this guy and a switch flipped in her head and she started broadcasting to him.  He responded and they got married a little while ago.  What triggered her to suddenly find him attractive?  Well he’d just turned 35 and had decided to join one of those clubs where you do “stand-up” comedy.  Turns out he was good at it.  Suddenly she saw him in a whole new way.
When we already know somebody we risk losing whatever relationship we have with that person if we switch tracks.  Naturally, people are reluctant to lose what they already have.
The key to attracting and flirting with somebody that you already know is to change the way they see you.  This can require dramatic action. Say you’ve been as boring and inactive as pond scum lying on pool for ten years and suddenly take up sky diving then you’ll certainly get peoples attention.  A positive aspect of flirting with somebody that you already know is that you probably have established a degree of trust with that person.  This makes your efforts seem more sincere.
  • If it’s a stranger
On the whole we would say that it is easier to flirt with a stranger than with a friend.  Strangers have to judge you on first impressions and how you project yourself.  You are a blank canvass that can be painted in the colours most suitable to the occasion.  In short, you have the luxury of re-inventing yourself.  On the downside, there is probably very little trust.
Another factor that will impact on your flirting is time and place.  It can start and take place anywhere but the simple rule is that it has to feel right.  It’s not uncommon for business colleagues to flirt outrageously in the office and then suddenly go cold when they’re in an intimate environment.  The reason is simple – in the office the flirting is safe – it’s practice.  In an intimate environment it’s serious with all the attached consequences.  That doesn’t mean that it can’t happen in both places – it often does.  In this case the office is the warm up for the real game.  On occasions, it actually is the real game and the photocopier gets to make some interesting images.
The best and most common time-and-place for flirting is when it has the potential for both commitment and escape.  This makes parties, nightclubs and other social gatherings ideal.  There’s plenty of opportunity for flirting (strangers and friends) but there is also a “safe” environment – at least to start with. 
Flirting is about what you say and what your body language says.  The absolutely most important rule is that they must say the same thing.  If they don’t, and women are good at recognising this, then you’ll just make them feel uncomfortable.
Practice flirting!  You wouldn’t pick up a golf club and expect to win the first time you play.  Here’s a tip about flirting – girls are naturally just better at this – guys do need to practice.  Most guys naturally know how to fight - most girls don’t have a clue.  It’s just one of those things.
Practice that sexy smile, that wistful glance, that “you’re hot” wink and get it right.  You’ll just make a fool of yourself if you get it wrong. Practice! Mirrors are helpful. If you want to know how it should look then watch a few of the male actors in some of those chick flick films you wouldn’t want your buddies to ever know you’ve watched.  At the moment the girls are hot for George Clooney, Josh Hartnett, Brad Pitt, Jonny Depp and Paul Walker but that’ll change in a year or so. Just watch how they do it. 
One last thought.  Not all men have the physical “looks” and “attributes” to pull this off.  Be honest! If you’re 250 pounds, have less hair on your head than a shaved porn star, wear glasses and sweat badly when you meet people then it’s probably a bad idea to try and emulate Jonny Depp. Still, you’re not out of the game you just really really need to read the section on what women want and do something about it. (Remember – Age of Miracles)
What do women want?  Well that’s the toughest of all questions because more than half the time they’re not sure themselves. (We’re not being patronizing – just truthful.) What women want changes depending on their age, their culture, the century and the time of their menstrual cycle?  For millennia, men pondered this question then, as their heads started to hurt, went and got drunk.  Many still do.  However, thanks to the internet and the sudden surplus of information available, it’s possible to finally understand this mystery.
This is what women want – most of the time – but they will happily settle for just some of it and, in certain cases, very little of it.  Beware – it’s confusing.  In general, women want men that are …
1 Tall rather than short (or at least taller than the woman)
2 Dark haired rather than blonde
3 Handsome rather than plain
4 Masculine but clean (hygiene is important to woman)
5 A little rough and dangerous but safe and gentle – with them
6 Risk takers until they’re married and / or have children
7 Flat stomach - small butt
8 Broad shoulders - narrow waist
9 Wealthy or have future wealth potential
10 Leaders rather than followers
11 Able to make them feel good even if it means lying (convincingly)
12 Confident and relaxed
13 Popular with others but focused on them – the woman
14 Physically fit but not so it dominates their lives
15 Intelligent enough to understand them but definitely not a nerd
16 A little wild but tamable
17 Adventurous in their past and present but only adventurous with her in the future
18 Unpredictable – for a while
19 Experienced with sex but prepared to give up other women for them
20 Good listeners
21 Definitely not weird – unless being weird is the norm for the social group
22 Able to dress with style and reasonable fashion but not a dandy
23 Loving but not possessive and stifling.
24 A sense that they're prepared to walk away – if they really feel like it
25 Able to make them laugh!  (Hugely important)
Very Important:  Statistically, the number of men that have all the characteristics listed above is less than 1.4%.   So … the good news for most men is the “Rule of Five”.  Most women will be pleased with their catch if the man has just five (5) of the above characteristics. That’s just one fifth (1/5).  Try it and you’ll see what we mean.  Pick any five characteristics at random.  Write them down and then use them to describe an imaginary friend to a single woman that you know.  See how she reacts.
“True men want fame, fortune and glory and a son to leave it to.  Women want men to achieve this and then to be desired so much that they will give it up just for them.”
There are a lot of hidden truths in that statement but one that is often overlooked is this.  Women don’t want men to give up insignificance, poverty and being scorned for them.  That’s no sacrifice at all.  The heart of this statement is about proof.  Above all else, a woman wants proof of a man’s desire.
However … and this is a big however, if the man has any of the characteristics listed below then his chances fall incredibly fast.  These are called: “Contact Killers”.
1 Has an very unpleasant or unusual body odour Could be illness
2 Has noticeable rashes or advanced skin disease of any sort – Illness and Disease
3 Has distorted or imbalanced facial features – May imply genetic issues
4 Sweats uncontrollably – It implies illness or anxiety therefore not an alpha
5 Is “laughably” socially awkward Implies ill adjustment
6 Is noticeably feminine – Could be secretly gay?
7 Is fat – a butt the size of two pigs in a sack - No self control / physical weakness
8 Has bad teeth / breathe – Not kissing a dirty drain.
9 Is really, as opposed to just interestingly, weird. I.e. He collects frog spawn as a hobby and believes it could be tomorrow’s wonder-food. – Unbalanced!
10 Is too old or just looks too old – No kids there.
11 Comes across as desperate - Loser.
12 Over 25 and lives with his mother – Let’s not go there!
So before you even think about women take two steps.  Firstly make sure you have none of the “Contact Killer” negative characteristics.   In most case these problems can be cured – even if the solution is a little dramatic such as plastic surgery.
Secondly, pick five of the characteristics from the “positives - what women want” list and really work to emphasize them.  Pick a second five that you don’t have and disguise them.  So if you’re quite funny become really good at making girls laugh.  If you’re short wear shoes that increase your height.  If you have dark hair then grow it longer.  If you’re a bit boring take up an adventurous sport. 
You have to have the right attitude.  Women are incredibly able to pick up “vibes’ relating to your attitude.  If you’ve sorted out any personal “contact killers” and have perfected at least five of the positive characteristics then you should be confident.  Project the right “aura” – you’re a leader, fit, funny, practiced in the right body-language and stylish.  You’re already in the top 5%.  You’re not scared of rejection.  You don’t need to be drunk or have twenty buddies edging you on. You know that you’re going to lose some and be able to laugh it off. You also know you’re going to win some and that’s what counts.
So now it’s time for flirting and body language recognition.  You don’t just see a woman you’d like to get to know and go and hit on her. Sure there’s a small chance that you’re so hot that you’ll get away with it but if you’re not extraordinary (1.4%) then you’ll do it this way.
The first step is to use your powers of body language observation to identify the women that are broadcasting their availability.  They’ll be accessible and positioned to make an advance reasonably easy.  The clothes they wear, the way they’re sitting or standing and how animated they seem are all clues for you.  Now would be a really good time to read the section on female flirting signals. Don’t waste your time on those women that are not broadcasting.  Your chances will be low – very low.
Once you’ve identified a potentially available woman that you are interested in, even if it is a previous friend, you need her to notice you.  One thing to your advantage is that if she is truly available she’ll be looking too – just not as obviously.  Don’t expect her to see you hiding in the shadows or five rows deep behind your buddies.
In brief, you’ve got to position yourself close enough to her so she can see you and yet do it in a way that seems casual, confident and comfortable.  It’s helpful not to appear alone at this time.  Perhaps you and a just one buddy wander over and with luck she’ll notice you and send a signal.  Usually it’s eye contact and the slightest raising of her eyebrows. It’s Ok to respond with a gentle grin or sexy look and hold her eyes with yours. Don’t look away before she does. This is called “lingering eye contact.”  It’s a red-hot signal and it shows you’re confident and interested.  She’ll probably smile a little and then look down.  If you’re not sure it’s OK then wait to see if she “broadcasts again”.  If she does so then now’s the time to act.  Some women will be prepared to keep broadcasting even if you don’t react but most will give up after three attempts.
  • Generally the female Signals and the Male Responds (Only true Alphas should broadcast first)
Obviously the circumstances will impact on how you behave.  In a nightclub you’ll move in fast and she’ll expect you to do so.  However, at a garden party your flirting may be less obvious and slower.  When it’s with a group of friends you may need to keep sending signals to each other for quite a while before you can get some space without everyone watching.  Here’s a really good tip – stay sober or at least reasonably sober.  
Scan Flirt Flirting - Laughter



HOW TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE (Key Flirting Tips for Men)
What makes a woman decide that you are worth a flirting signal – especially if she’s never met you before?  Initially it’s your appearance and body language. Some say that it’s as much as 80% of her decision. We’ve already covered appearance so now onto body language.  These are the top male body language (flirting) signals of the available and attractive male.
1 Stand tall – don’t slouch
2 Keep your shoulders back
3 Keep your chin up
4 Suck in the stomach (but not obviously so)
5 Casually look around – scan but don’t stare
6 Make eye contact with women (very important)
7 Position yourself at the centre of the action – you’re an Alpha Male
8 Move casually and confidently
9 Lead don’t follow
10 Don’t cross your arms (unless its freezing cold)
11 Send out flirting response signals - or even initiate a few of your own
12 Show off your physique – if it’s good.
13 Be groomed in a very, very, casual way
14 Laugh and make people around you laugh with you not at you
15 Display wealth – appear wealthy
16 Never tuck both hands into your pockets (unless it's freezing)


Female Body Language



The Single Signals - Female Body Language:
There are literally dozens of ways that a woman uses her body language to communicate her interest and attraction to a man. Reading female body language can be simple or complex but the real trick is recognising clusters and progressions.
The images shown on this page are some of the most reliable individual signals. However, the use of a single signal by a woman does not indicate total attraction but is rather an indicator of interest. As the individual signals become more frequent, clustered and obvious, the more interested (or desperate) is the woman. For example it's quite common for woman in a nightclub to be subtle in her signaling early in the evening but as the night progresses and she still hasn't attracted a man these signals can become increasingly obvious.



The human body is pretty hairless. Other than a gene manipulated cat and near extinct shrew; there are no other mammals that are as hairless as humans. (We don't include fish, reptiles or birds in this analogy.) Long, flowing hair has always been a sign of feminine health and thus sexuality and child bearing ability. By tossing her hair a woman is essentially saying: "look at me and my suitability. I am happy, confident and very healthy!" Long hair is feminine while short hair is masculine. If this wasn't the case why do so many (male) lesbians shave their hair as a statement?
  Reading Female Body Language - Hair Toss

Reading Female Body Language - Lip Nibble  


Men love this body language signal. It's origins and the reasons why it works are still a mystery. There is nothing like the Lower Lip Nibble to subconsciously give a man an injection of pure of testosterone. The lower lip is gently gripped by the teeth and with sensual slowness allowed to slip away. Done well and without awareness this can drive a man to his knees - done badly it becomes a parody. Strangely, this is a powerful sex signal between women (lesbians) and is used by the submissive female to indicate interest in the dominant potential partner.



Reading female body language has never been easier. For women, twirling or flicking their hair is a favourite flirting gesture. Why this has such an effect on men is a hotly debated subject. The ‘Definitive Book of Body Language’ (Allan and Barbara) allegedly claims that it allows a woman to expose her armpit and thus "waft" pheromones to the man. (Huh?) Another explanation is that it is a casual way of exposing her neck - a well known erogenous zone. Some researchers even claim it attracts attention to her "healthy" hair. We admit it - we just don't know. Still, it's a great signal to watch out for.
  Reading Female Body Language - Hair Flick and Side Glance with Smile

Reading Female Body Language - Tilt and Smile  


This is a classic and is perhaps the most common of flirting and attraction signals. It indicates a submissive, interested and alluring mood on the part of the woman doing it. Most importantly it is "shorthand" for: "I’ve noticed you and I like what I see. I can't look away so I’m sneaking another look. My Smile is to let you know I'm feeling good and want you to know it." Generally the gesture is quite quick and meant to attract attention. If the man doesn't get it after several attempts then the woman usually gives up on him as "just too stupid to mate with".



The neck is one of a woman's most sensitive and erogenous zones and touching it will attract a man's attention. Why does this work? Well, apparently, men are attracted to soft smooth female skin and the neck is the most socially acceptable to display. Smooth skin is a reliable indicator of both youth and health - critical factors when a male is "hunting" a mate. The neck is also a very sensitive part of the female body and touching it stimulates a gentle, soothing and loving sensation. Try it for yourself.
  The Neck touch  / Stroke

Reading Female Body Language - Knee point  


This signal is about interest and focus. By turning the knees and legs towards a man, a woman is using female body language to indicate the person in which she is currently interested - thus creating a personal space triangle. The outer legs also present a barrier to others who may intrude. Translated, this signal means: "You are the person I am focusing on." Legs and knees that point away are a bad sign - particularly if the knees are aiming at a door. In a sense they become a barrier to the nearby person and an invitation to others. The more leg exposed the more sexual the signal.



To the right is a picture of a woman wearing an average pair of jeans and yet the way she has placed her hands is a powerful “turn-on” for some men. The reason is that her hands are creating a frame for her Vagina. Although sometimes mistaken for "male" gesture, her hands are actually "spelling-out" what's on her mind. Her female body language is actually saying: "This is the part of me that I want you to notice. I'm telling you that this area of my body is available for the right man!" It is a confident signal indicating aggressive sexual availability.
  Reading Female Body Language - The Vagina



Reading a female's use of shoes and her feet as part of her body language could fill a book on its own. We may later dedicate an entire page to this form of subtle communication. The Shoe Dangle is a strong but subtle message to a man. Translated it says: “By half slipping off my shoe I'm indicating that I am relaxed, comfortable and may be willing to undress further." Also, for many men (even those that won't admit it), the female foot is (strangely) attractive. Women worldwide spend Billions of Dollars on footwear and pedicures and they do it for a reason!


Psychologists believe that people often transfer inner feelings to external objects. So by stroking the stem of a wine glass (for example) a woman is using female body language to say "stroke me". By running her a pen across her lips she is saying "kiss me". These female body language signals should not be confused with "agitation" gestures that indicate that the woman would rather be somewhere else. The difference is in the speed with which they are performed. Slow and sensual is good - fast and "jerky" is bad. Wine glasses, table ornaments, sun glasses and pens are common objects used for "toying".
  Reading Female Body Language - Toying With ...

Reading Female Body Language - Self Stroking  


(above) This is both subtle and obvious at the same time. Essentially it means: "I'm stroking and touching myself because I'd really like to be stroked and touched by you". Also, by touching herself in this way a woman draws a man's attention to those erogenous zones that she thinks are her best assets and will appeal to him. Thighs, neck and ankles are all favourites. It is fair to say that women are very aware of the way that this subconsciously affects men and will do it deliberately. Where it is subconscious it is a truly reliable indicator of a woman's feelings.

Things to be noted ...
Contrary to what you may have read elsewhere about reading female body language, there is no sure-fire way of perfectly understanding these courtship gestures every time. Women may project them consciously (and sometimes just for sport), or they may be totally unaware of what their bodies are saying. A woman may even show physical interest through her body language because she subconsciously wants to be desired while actually rejecting a suitor because she is consciously aware that she is married. This is self reassurance behaviour.
Reading female body language also requires a high degree of honesty on the part of the man. Many men overreact to simple signals or, because of their desire to be successful, actually see signals that are not really there. One simple and fantastic piece of advice when reading female body language is to take it nice and easy. If her signals are subtle and understated then a man's responses should be just as balanced. If hers fade away then her interest has been lost - if they increase then it's safe for a man to respond in equal measure.
However, before exploring the progression of signals it is vital to be able to recognise some of the basics. For most men "seeing" even the most simple of signals can be challenge. Fear of rejection is the reason. This page should help with reading female body language.

More Single Signals

More Single Signals:
Essential to the game of love and sexual attraction is flirting. The reason that this is so important can be traced to Peer Group Pressure and Fear of Rejection. Ask yourself this question: "Why are so many men and women terrified of rejection." There are seven billion or more people on this planet. Why should you care if a few people reject your advances there's always a few billion more. The reason is Peer Group Evaluation or Peer Group Pressure. (Continued at the bottom of this page)



Women with long hair often twirl or play with it out of habit but It's also a sign of nervous or playful arousal. It's used to attract a man's attention or to show him that his masculinity is attractive to her. This signal is sometimes confused with hair tugging which actually indicates the opposite - intense discomfort and a desire to be somewhere else. In this case the hair is "jerked" and forcibly pulled. When a woman preens her hair the motions are slower and luxurious. The hair is stroked and twirled in a sensual fashion.
  Hair Stroke

A Closer Look  


This is a very obvious female sex signal and translated means - "You're worth a closer look and I want you to know I'm looking." In the image to the left the woman has also opened her mouth with a hint of the "I'm ready to be kissed / You've taken my breath away" gesture. This is a fairly common signal at daytime parties or by the poolside where more subtle signals may well be missed. It works best with sunglasses that actually make things harder to see but can work with ordinary reading glasses. Her hand movement attracts the man's attention.



Arching her back to emphasise her bottom and flexibility (youth), pushing her breasts forward and playing with her luxurious hair, the model to the right is exaggerating normally subtle signals into large movements and dramatic sexual gestures. This is most often used by a woman where the male target is a fair distance away or where she wants absolutely no doubt about what is on her mind. Exaggerated body language is often seen at large gatherings or public spaces like a beach were simple "quieter" signals are often unnoticed.
  The Glamour

Lip Lick  


As a sex signal this is pure dynamite an one to which men often overreact Woman lick their lips for two reasons - they're either dry or she's sexually interested. Let’s skip the psycho-babble about moist genitals and clitoral stimulation and go to the facts. If a woman places her tongue at the corner of her mouth and then sensually licks her upper lip she consciously or subconsciously wants you to know she's getting very interested. It doesn't mean she wants the man to launch himself over the table and onto her but it does mean "don't be a dummy - even you can't miss this."



Context is an important consideration when both using and evaluating this signal. Many women would never consider sitting in this way if they were wearing a dress. From childhood females are taught that the correct way to sit is with their legs together so one must assume that the decision to sit with legs apart is a strong and sexually aggressive signal. However, if she's just been on a five mile hike it may well be more about comfort than sexuality. It is believed to indicate that a woman is opening her legs to indicate willing.
  Open for You

My Cute Ass  


The female bottom, both amongst primates and humans, holds a fierce attraction for males. Buttock augmentation is rapidly becoming common cosmetic surgery particularly in countries where a curvy bottom is considered a woman's sexiest attribute (Brazil for example). This signal is done by placing one hand on the hip to pull the fabric taught across her cheeks and then half turning away so that the man can appreciate the shape and beauty of her bottom. One hand is often placed on her stomach to make it less obvious that she is also arching her back to make her bottom more prominent.



The chin is lifted and the lips parted as if ready to be kissed. This is a serious sex signal and not one that is used casually for flirting. This is often the final signal in a progression indicating that physical contact can now take place. Some psychologists claim that by parting the lips of her mouth a woman is suggesting that she is ready to part the lips of her vagina. While at first this may sound dubious, it is interesting to note that very many women seeking a sexual partner choose lipstick that is extremely close to the colour of their labia or nipples. Coincidence?
  Parted Lips

Sexy Blush  


There are basically two types of blushing. There's the “Sexy Blush” and the “Embarrassed Blush”. They both happen because an emotional state triggers blood vessels to dilate and the cheeks are where it is most obvious. "Women draw attention to themselves by tossing or playing with their hair, tilting their heads, raising their eyebrows, giggling, or blushing." (Encyclopedia of psychology - Alan E. Kazdin). The cosmetics industry has understood this signal since Egyptian times and one of the consistently best selling make-up items is cheek rouge or "blusher"


Some women have naturally "sculptured" lips and are often seen as both beautiful and desirable by the men that they meet. By pursing her lips in the way shown above a woman is essentially kissing the air. When making this gesture to a man it is both conscious and unmistakable. This is a gesture that can be made some woman and scorch the walls but done by others it just doesn’t work - particularly by those woman that have over-plumped up their lips with collagen. Some women have significantly more control over the tiny muscles of the lips than others and for these women this is "the" sex signal.
  Pout / Air Kiss

Dilated Pupils  


When shown pictures of the same people that either had the pupils of their eyes airbrushed larger or smaller, almost all people tested indicated that they felt more attracted to the pictures with the larger pupils. Most importantly, they couldn’t explain why. The reason is that our pupils dilate when we’re feeling sexually aroused. Pupils also dilate when it's darker so perhaps that’s why candle light dinners are so romantic. English Tudors of the fifteenth century actually placed drops of deadly belladonna poison into their eyes to dilate their pupils and create the effect.

Continued from top of page ...
Psychologists believe that when we were all living in much smaller communities or tribes and everyone knew everyone else, reputation naturally became everything. So, if you were known to be rejected by a person then your suitability rating was diminished. Equally, if you were accepted then your suitability rating increased. It's quite similar to how Google ranks web pages. A link from a quality web page improves your ranking while a link from a poor quality page reduces it. The danger of being visibly rejected is that it encourages others to reject you too. In this case it’s just another form of peer pressure. A particular woman might go through the following thought process: "If Janice rejected Mike maybe there's something wrong with him? Maybe I should reject him too just in case. Hell I don't want to be seen with Janice's reject anyway."
If you think this system no longer applies then just watch how people behave at parties or nightclubs. Subconsciously, men will only approach a woman if they feel that they have more than an eighty percent chance of being accepted.
This is where flirting and sex signals become important. In a sense they are a code used between humans to test the levels of mutual attraction before visibly acting and thus risking rejection. Where people are watching and a rejection is taking place, the person doing the rejecting often exaggerates the act so that the spectators are in no doubt as to who is the loser. Sometimes seen as cruel, this is actually a form of self protection. The person doing the rejection cannot afford the peer-group doubt that they themselves might have been rejected.

Closer Look

The Glamour


This is a very obvious female sex signal and translated means 

- "You're worth a closer look and I want you to know I'm 
looking." In the image to the left the woman has also opened
 her mouth with a hint of the "I'm ready to be kissed / You've 
 taken my breath away" gesture. This is a fairly common 
signal at daytime parties or by the poolside where more 
 subtle signals may well be missed. It works best with 
sunglasses that actually make things harder to see but 
can work with ordinary reading glasses. Her hand 
movement attracts the man's attention.


Arching her back to emphasise her bottom and flexibility (youth), pushing her breasts forward and playing with her luxurious hair, the model to the right is exaggerating normally subtle signals into large movements and dramatic sexual gestures. This is most often used by a woman where the male target is a fair distance away or where she wants absolutely no doubt about what is on her mind. Exaggerated body language is often seen at large gatherings or public spaces like a beach were simple "quieter" signals are often unnoticed.



Women with long hair often twirl or play with it out of habit but It's also a sign of nervous or playful arousal. It's used to attract a man's attention or to show him that his masculinity is attractive to her. This signal is sometimes confused with hair tugging which actually indicates the opposite - intense discomfort and a desire to be somewhere else. In this case the hair is "jerked" and forcibly pulled. When a woman preens her hair the motions are slower and luxurious. The hair is stroked and twirled in a sensual fashion.

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