To get some extra bang from your pasta sauce, reserve some of the water you cooked the pasta in. Reserve a small quarter cup portion of the water you cook the pasta in after you cook it. When you mix your pasta and sauce, also add the water you reserved. The pasta water contains starch, which will give your sauce a thick creaminess. 

If you are thinking of decoration a cake then you can buy a cake decorating kit. One of the best on the market is the Wilton Ultimate Cake Decorating Set. It has everything you will need to decorate any type of cake for any occasions.
Once your dish is finished, break out the spices. Spices, such as garlic powder, salt, cayenne and pepper, are all wonderful seasonings. Spice is a matter of individual taste, so what works for one person may not work for another. You could let everyone add the spices they like best on their plate rather than seasoning the whole dish. This allows each person to make their meal their way.
For optimal safety, use only sharp knives when preparing food. Dull knives are hard to cut with and they are also dangerous. It is very easy to accidentally cut yourself when you're struggling to cut something with a knife that is dull.
Are you going to prepare food with fresh basil? Place a few fresh sprouts in a glass. With water you then want to cover the stems. You can keep basil fresh for weeks on top of your kitchen counter this way. If you occasionally change its water, it will sprout roots. While the basil is alive and thriving, make sure you trim the leaves in order to progress the growth of the plant. You will have plenty of fresh basil on hand.
Dry your own tomatoes. Dry your own by slicing ripe tomatoes 1/2" thick, or cut Romas in half, lengthwise. Place cut side up on a clean cooling rack and salt lightly. Next, position a full rack on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 190 degrees. Dry for approximately 10 hours. Put them in plastic bags for freezer storage. Another way to preserve your dried tomatoes is in olive oil, with herbs for added flavor, in a glass jar. When refrigerated, they will last a minimum of two weeks.
Purchasing meat and fish with the bones intact can be very beneficial. Put the bones, cooked or raw, in heavy duty Ziploc bags and store them in the freezer until you are ready to use.
Eat lots of hardy winter greens. After the first frost, winter greens such as kale, broccoli rabe and collards take on a much sweeter taste. Look for those that have a full color and avoid those veggies that are limp or yellow. It's also important that you remember to wash your greens. The leaves of greens like to hold on to dirt, so a thorough cleaning is suggested. Try dunking them first in cold water and then rinsing for a few minutes until the dirt is no longer evident in the flow of water.
If you want to lose weight and eat healthier, cut back on the amount of oil that you cook with. Oil or butter adds more fat than necessary to your dishes. Another healthy alternative for low fat cooking is nonstick spray.
It can sometimes be quite a chore to cook a great meal for your family every night. Fortunately, many different things can be done for making meals easy. When you are cooking, relax and enjoy utilizing the new skills you have gained.

Cr: Amazines