One of the most powerful Silva Method techniques for improving memory is the Method of Loci, which involves associating something you wish to recall with familiar objects in unexpected, visually delightful and interesting ways using mental imagery. The human brain operates primarily on imagery (even these words you are reading conjure up images in your brain and these images are unique to you, uniquely classified and stored by you, based on your experiences). So to improve your memory, it makes sense to associate things you wish to remember with vivid, fun, attractive, easily-retrieved images.
The problem with memory is not storage – anything that’s been impressed on the brain remains there. The problem is retrieval. Learning to remember dreams, to associate information with visual clues, and using the Three Fingers Technique to program the desire to remember at will boosts your ability to retrieve any memory, at any time.

improve memory with three fingers technique
The correct way to hold fingers in the Three Finger Technique
The Silva Method teaches the Three Fingers Technique as a simple physical action (bringing the thumb and first two fingers of the hand together) that automatically triggers a desired mental response, programmed by you. When you wish to remember something, you can use the Three Fingers Technique. When you bring together the thumb and first two fingers of either hand, you adjust your consciousness to a deeper awareness level – the alpha brainwave state. At the alpha state, your mind is very open to new information and self-programming (suggestion). You absorb information through your senses, and your brain is programmed to be specifically aware of “this” information (focus on specific information) and to store it for easy retrieval.
To use the Three Fingers Technique to improve your memory, you enter your alpha brainwave state and program your mind to remember. Before you begin assimilating information, you bring your thumb and first two fingers together – this is the trigger for you to enter the alpha state. Once in the alpha state, you set your intention that you wish to remember (x,y,z) for example, you state to yourself that you wish to remember the names of all of the people at a party. Then, during the party, your mind is already programmed to remember names and associate them with familiar objects (or “file” them away using any visual association you have chosen). After the party, whenever you need to recall the names of people you met at the social gathering, you can use the Three Fingers Technique to re-enter the alpha brainwave state and recall their names at will, effortlessly.
