The following is considered to be in a difficult situation which gives the benefits of special
1.  A child that has been rejected, abandoned, exposed to negligence, wandering and
begging or found begging, wandering or that commonly engages in wandering and
2.  A child who, by his/her wrongful behavior or his/her lack of discipline, gives to his/
her parents or tutors or his/her family and friends a reason for discontentment;
3.  A child who engages in debauchery or finds his/her resources in gambling or
in trafficking or in any occupation exposing him/her to prostitution, begging,
wandering or criminality;
4.  A child who lacks protection, in a manifest or continuous way, or who does not
attend any educational establishment or does not exercise any professional activity;
5.  A child who is habitually mistreated;
6.  A child who is sexually or economically exploited;
7.  A child who is accused of witchcraft;
8.  A child who is a mother or pregnant and is being mistreated by her parents or tutors;
9.  A child who is without any family support or other support following the loss of his/
her parents;
10. A child living with a handicap;
11. A child who is a drug addict;
12. An orphan;
A gifted child also benefits from a special protection.