Importance of Food Safety

Safe food is important for us and all around us

Safe food handling begins from the start of production and will continue through the preparation process of the food . If unsafe food  handling happens at any stage of the process, then  there could be a sure chance of danger. There have been many times or incidents  when contamination  takes place at the meat production level and processing stage, and if contamination occurs at the time of manufacturing, then a consumer could inadvertently cook contaminated meat for sure. To avoid this type of food risk, state and central guidelines have been set in place to act immediately. These guidelines will help officials to inspect meat and its production and processing plants so that the chances of potential contamination risks can be addressed.

Food handling safety is very important at the consumer level because consumers intake contaminated food through  a lack of awareness level which helps the manipulators. By the practice of  hygiene prior to the proper handling food and ensuring that all utensils available and surfaces are made clean, then food contamination can be prevented to a greater extend. Food safety also means that food is cooked at right temperature and stored at a safe temperature level in clean premises. The best way to ensure that food is safely stored is to allow food to thaw in a refrigerator. Cross contamination is a greater cause of food contamination at all levels. By the  use of  clean utensils and surfaces that haven't never  touched the other food items, the risk of cross contamination is greatly reduced.


Anohar John