How can you not want fish oil’s benefits for yourself and the ones you love?
It comes down to this: Fish oil is the best source known to man for the essential fatty acids, EPA (Eicosapentaenoic) and DHA (docosahexaenoic). These are the omega-3 fats that are vital for improved brain and central nervous system function. (DHA is a major part of cell membranes in the central nervous system.)
Why not just eat a lot of fish? I, like my Food Republic peers, will also sidestep making a Jeremy Piven crack, and just say that if you eat too much fish, stupid, you’re at risk of eating too much mercury, PCB's and other chemicals. The best fish oil pills are from small fish like anchovies and sardines, and they come without any of those nasty bits.
Where should you get them? I’d keep away from the Internet. You look up fish oil pills and all sorts of crazy stuff comes up. , the maker of a fish oil supplement. I can't personally recommend those guys. I’d suggest you go to your local health store, or to a Whole Foods, and ask them for fish oil supplements that have DHA, as well as EPA, and are mercury/PCB/lead–free.
using the Spectrum Essentials capsules (360mg EPA and 240mg DHA per two pills). I am sure you’ll be just as happy with them .
And now we know that they can also serve as anchovy lozenges, in case you’ve run out.