Book Review Orphan Train

I like this story better than others because I felt it was more emotional. I think it should be much more detailed. I kept looking forward to her chapters and but unfortunately i found Molly's chapters boring . I also found that in Molly's story line  Dina was pretty annoying . I know that fostering teenagers is not a easy task and  difficult, but I think she needed to be supportive. Kids are bound and faced  to have issues while  bouncing around from house to house. Although stealing an old book is still wrong it is not at all like killing its not like Molly was starting  killing animals

The story lacked great deal drama and engagement that we expected through out the story lines. I have a doubt is it was necessarily so? Dina seemed overly immature and she should not be to be a foster parent. there may be many foster parents who decides to take children for the amount money involved, but Dina's behavior seemed over the top all those issues


Anohar John